
In both traditional media outlets and non-profit organizations, I've constantly been passionate about discovering innovative ways to share knowledge, aiming to enhance journalism practices. Below is a brief overview of my experience in digital skills training.

Google News Lab

As part of the Google News Initiative, I organized and led in-person and virtual workshops for 15 months, focusing on a variety of digital tools to assist newsrooms in searching, verifying, and visualizing stories. This initiative reached over 61,000 journalists across Latin America and Spain.

GNI Live Trainings

During the pandemic, I conducted free and open training sessions for journalists from Spanish-speaking countries via YouTube. Many of these sessions were done in collaboration with my colleagues Juan Manuel Lucero, Mariana Alvarado, and Pablo Sanguinetti.


Use of reverse image search, InVid and other free tools to fight online misinformation (Grow with Google, April 2020)

Advanced Search and Investigative Tools

How to use search operators to refine our online investigations and other tools to find reputable sources.

Data Visualization 

Use of Flourish, Google Data Explorer, and Data GIF Maker for visualizing information.


How to use Pinpoint, the tool that uses AI to allow investigative journalists to scan, analyze and find hidden stories in large collections of documents.

Essential Collaborative Tools

How to take full advantage of tools like Google Docs, Gmail, and Google Calendar for collaborative work in the newsroom.

Essential Collaborative Tools (Part 2)

The second session on Google collaborative tools, with focus on how to create shared and public Calendars, take notes on Google Keep and brainstorm using Jamboard.

Google Spreadsheets for Journalists

Use of Google Spreadsheets to scrape, order, analyze and share data in the newsroom.

Data & Machine Learning

Introduction to machine learning with a practical approach for journalists, including a step-by-step tutorial on how to create a model using Cloud for free.

Environmental Journalism

How to use tools like Google Earth, Timelapse, and Global Forest Watch to cover environmental issues.


How to create, produce, distribute and analyze an audio-based multimedia products.

Elections Coverage

Tools to find, analyze and visualize information safely while covering elections.

Google Earth & Earth Studio

How to create videos and 3D virtual tours using Earth Studio satellite imagery.

Argentinian Journalism Forum (FOPEA) Training Network Manager

In early 2021, I spearheaded a journalist training program for FOPEA, supported by the Google News Initiative. With eight trainers, we delivered 15 open workshops covering key topics to over 3,200 journalists and students across all 24 provinces of Argentina in just four months.

Training Events for Women and LGTBQI+ People

Talleres Poderosos in partnership with US Embassy

As Chicas Poderosas Ambassador and Training Area Leader, I managed a program supporting over 400 women and LGTBQI+ individuals, offering career growth opportunities in media. Thanks to the US Embassy's support, the Talleres Poderosos project featured online workshops on Investigative Journalism, Data Visualization, and Audio Storytelling, led by industry experts.

#Talleres Poderosos: Workshops on Podcast Production and Sustainability in Media

event, hosting two free and open thematic workshops at the OLX headquarters in Buenos Aires. The sessions, led by specialists in podcast production and media sustainability, successfully reached and benefited over 30 women and LGTBQI+ journalists and media professionals.

Digital Tools for Investigative Journalism: Workshop at Google 

In March 2020, alongside my fellow Chicas Poderosas Ambassador, Nicole Martin, I coordinated an open workshop specifically tailored for women and LGTBQI+ feminist journalists. Hosted at the Google headquarters in Buenos Aires, the three-hour session focused on imparting valuable tools for investigative journalism. Our insights were later condensed into a column for IjNet. Furthermore, these tools were transmitted by other Ambassadors in subsequent Chicas Poderosas events across 17 different countries.

Talks, Events & Conferences

Media Party 2023

In October 2023, I served as a member of the jury for the Hackathon at the Media Party Buenos Aires, where three projects were chosen for a financial award so that their proponents could carry them out. During the same event, I also gave a lightning talk based on an experiment we implemented at The New Republic's website.

Media Party 2022

In August 2022, together with my colleague and Studio 20 alum, Aldana Vales, we conducted an in-person workshop on audience research or UX research in media. We provided practical examples and valuable tips on interviewing, testing, synthesizing, and reporting results. The participants engaged in a hands-on activity to better understand the needs of Media Party's attendees.

Media Party 2020

In September 2020, I conducted a public online workshop on crafting virtual immersive videos using Google Earth Studio during the Hacks Hackers Media Party—an esteemed international media innovation conference.

FOPEA's 9th National Digital Journalism Congress (2020)

In August 2021, I hosted an online workshop on podcast creation as part of the annual FOPEA National Journalism Congress. The session was complemented by insightful talks from academics and specialists in the field.

FOPEA's 15th International Journalism Congress (2020)

In November 2020, I delivered a public talk at FOPEA's annual International Journalism Conference, focusing on Pinpoint, a free tool for conducting investigative journalism.

Data Journalism Master Class with Sandra Crucianelli

In July 2021, I organized and moderated an open Master Class on Data Journalism featuring Sandra Crucianelli, an acclaimed Argentinian investigative journalist. Under the auspices of the FOPEA Training Network, this virtual session drew participation from over 200 journalists, students, and media professionals nationwide.

Training the Trainers: Leadership Summit for Ambassadors

In July 2020, I conducted an online training session for Chicas Poderosas chapter Ambassadors on instructing digital investigative tools within their local communities. The session engaged over 30 women from 17 countries, spanning Latin America, Spain, Portugal, and the US.